Category Archives: Movies

the new corporation movie

First Do No Pharm – Join Dr Aseem’s true health team

Dear Friend,

We stand at a critical juncture in the history of medicine, and I’m writing to you with a sense of urgency that cannot be overstated. For over a decade, I’ve been sounding the alarm about the pervasive and pernicious influence of “too much medicine” in our lives. Today, I’m calling on you to join me in a fight that affects us all.

Read more… First Do No Pharm – Join Dr Aseem’s true health team

Good Health Doesn’t Come Out of a Medicine Bottle

I recently saw a lady in her early 60’s who was terrified because her GP had told her that her cholesterol was high. “congratulations” I said, “that will probably help you live longer.” By the end of the consultation she left the room smiling.

A few weeks ago with a number of international researchers I co-authored a paper published in BMJ Open that concluded that not only was there no association with so called bad cholesterol and cardiovascular disease in the over 60’s but a trend to reduced reduction in deaths from all causes the higher the cholesterol. One explanation of our findings is that LDL cholesterol is involved in immune system protection against potentially fatal gastrointestinal and respiratory infections and possibly even cancer.

Read more… Good Health Doesn’t Come Out of a Medicine Bottle


Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine

Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine ( too many prescriptions cause massive waste and harm the public).


It may be hard to believe, but poor diet now contributes to more disease and death than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol combined (according to  The Lancet). We  have been guzzling sugar, refined carbohydrates and industrial vegetable oils as never before, with devastating consequences for public health. The combined costs of type 2 diabetes and obesity to the NHS and UK economy exceed £20 billion. 


Read more… Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine