On Tuesday I was asked on Good Morning Britain to take part in a discussion on why Britain was suffering an obesity crisis? Read more… Cardiologist Tells Piers Morgan Exercise Is Useless For Obesity
Category Archives: Videos

What’s driving our healthcare system failure?
A 2 minute video message from Dr Aseem Malhotra.

Our Patients Are Guinea Pigs And They Don’t Even Know It
A few weeks ago on the recommendation of the BMJ, I was interviewed on BBC World Service Business Daily giving my view on how commercial corruption of medicine resulting in over prescription of medications to millions across the globe, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths due to side effects was at the root of our healthcare crisis.
Read more… Our Patients Are Guinea Pigs And They Don’t Even Know It

Choose The Pioppi Diet Over Statins To Beat Heart Disease
Headlines earlier this week suggested that if NICE (the health watchdog) 2014 guidelines on the prescription of statins were followed this would mean the overwhelming majority of men over 60 and women over 75 should be prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs. What many of the journalists failed or forgot mention was that the General Practitioners Committee and the Royal College of General Practitioners rejected this guidance in 2014 which would have meant that GPs were financially incentivised to prescribed statins to those as low risk of heart disease based upon poor evidence of benefit.
Read more… Choose The Pioppi Diet Over Statins To Beat Heart Disease

Top Dietitians Endorse The Pioppi Diet
I’m delighted to share that two eminent internationally renowned dietitians that I respect for their honesty, courage and devotion to scientific integrity have endorsed my first book, The Pioppi Diet. Given that most Doctors know little about nutrition and most dietitians know little medicine combatting the burden of chronic disease that has brought healthcare to the brink will require collaboration between the two disciplines.
Read more… Top Dietitians Endorse The Pioppi Diet

Reversing heart diseases starts by stopping fear of cholesterol
Read more… Reversing heart diseases starts by stopping fear of cholesterol

Big Food And Bad Pharma Greed Has Brought Healthcare To Its Knees
Corporate greed of the food and pharmaceutical industries are the two most important root causes of our current healthcare crisis. Until the medical establishment and politicians are bold enough to address their excesses and manipulations head on we will continue to have a sicker, unhappier and less economically productive society.
Read more… Big Food And Bad Pharma Greed Has Brought Healthcare To Its Knees

Treat Sugar Like Tobacco To Save Lives And Rapidly Improve Population Health
Read more… Treat Sugar Like Tobacco To Save Lives And Rapidly Improve Population Health

The Big Fat Fix
My new movie – “The Big Fat Fix” – Premieres at Westminster to British Members of Parliament on July 21.

Too much medicine is killing us
Last week I appeared on BBC Breakfast news to discuss calls from the UK’s Academy of Medical Sciences for more preventative medicines. In effect more healthy people to be taking medications to prevent the onset of disease. I have no issue with this as a concept but one of the reasons our current healthcare system is close to breaking point is that we have an overmedicated population with a total lack of transparency in the prescription of drugs. Often benefits are grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed. If I was going to take a pill every day for many years I would want to know what is my actual benefit and what are/how common are the side effects that may interfere with my quality of life?