Tag Archives: The Big Fat Fix

Top Dietitians Endorse The Pioppi Diet

I’m delighted to share that two eminent internationally renowned dietitians that I respect for their honesty, courage and devotion to scientific integrity have endorsed my first book, The Pioppi Diet. Given that most Doctors know little about nutrition and most dietitians know little medicine combatting the burden of chronic disease that has brought healthcare to the brink will require collaboration between the two disciplines.
Read more… Top Dietitians Endorse The Pioppi Diet

The Pioppi Diet

Lifestyle medicine to save the NHS billions and halt healthcare crisis

Yesterday myself and a number of prominent doctors, nutritionists, sports scientists and health campaigners wrote a letter to the medical schools council, the general medical council and the secretary of state for health calling for mandatory training for medical students and practicing doctors in evidence based lifestyle interventions to prevent and treat chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Read more… Lifestyle medicine to save the NHS billions and halt healthcare crisis


Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine

Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine ( too many prescriptions cause massive waste and harm the public).


It may be hard to believe, but poor diet now contributes to more disease and death than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol combined (according to  The Lancet). We  have been guzzling sugar, refined carbohydrates and industrial vegetable oils as never before, with devastating consequences for public health. The combined costs of type 2 diabetes and obesity to the NHS and UK economy exceed £20 billion. 


Read more… Nuts, olive oil and vegetables are the best heart medicine